Old Basing Archers, Siege shoot 2024

OBA Open York & Bristol Shoot, Double WA70, Double WA50
7th Sept 2024.

Venue:The Recreation Ground, The Street, Old Basing, Basingstoke, RG24 7DA
Round:12 Dozen Round – (York, Bristol I-V, Double WA70, Double WA50)
Assembly:09:45 am, Saturday 7th September 2024
Entry Forms:www.oldbasingarchers.co.uk/
Target Lists:Target Lists, and Results will be available on the website.
Entry Fee:FREE
Entries to:Phil Jubin – siege@oldbasingarchers.co.uk;
Closing Date:1st  September 2024

Download Full Prospectus and Form

2024-Siege-Shoot-Entry-form (Word Doc version)
2024-Siege-Shoot-Entry-form (PDF version)
CLOSING DATE is the 1st September 2024
Please complete downloaded form and email to siege@oldbasingarchers.co.uk

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