Beginners guide to the arrow awards

White Arrow Pin
Black Arrow Pin
Blue Arrow Pin

The club runs the World Archery Beginner Awards. It will help you to develop your general shooting skills, knowledge of archery and performance. Your progress will be encouraged and awarded with the gain of the WA Beginner Award pins.

Following the Arrow badges from White to Blue will guide you towards the typical indoor shooting distance (18m) and prepare you for moving on to more tailored coaching and longer distances.

Each award is based on progress in three areas:

The club runs the World Archery Beginner Awards. It will help you to develop your general shooting skills, knowledge of archery and performance. Your progress will be encouraged and awarded with the gain of the WA Beginner Award pins.

Following the Arrow badges from White to Blue will guide you towards the typical indoor shooting distance (18m) and prepare you for moving on to more tailored coaching and longer distances.

Each award is based on progress in three areas:

1: Skills Development: The achievement of a good score is only a consequence of well implemented skills. For each development level, some skills are expected to be acquired. Their assessment is based on some key elements and carried out by a club coach.

2: Knowledge and/or know-how: Learning archery is not restricted in learning the steps of the shooting sequence. The novices have also to know how to conduct the sport safely, learn some terminology and learn how to look after their equipment.

3: Score: Your performance is evaluated at reduced shooting distances and number of shots. 15 arrows are shot at an 80cm target face.

To measure your progress, any coach can evaluate your form at any session. Your coach may suggest this or if you feel you have reached the required skills you may request this from any club coach.  If they believe you have reached the required progress in shooting form you should then attempt to meet the score criteria and answer the knowledge questions.

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